Sunday, April 28, 2024

Heo Jun episode 52 The Trial

heojun5206Heo Jun and Da Hee are in prison and if Heo Jun is found guilty of his past crimes he could face capital punishment. It’s not looking good and (gleefully) Do Ji goes to check Heo Jun’s health for what he believes is the final time. But when Royal Consort Gong Bin suddenly becomes seriously ill, there is a glimmer of hope as, in desperation, the King calls for Dr Heo …

Heo Jun and Da Hee are in prison and rumours spread that Heo Jun really is guilty of illegal smuggling and marrying a noble lady. Shock spreads around the court. Heo Jun’s  mother collapses from stress and Ye Jin pays her a visit and gives her acupuncture.

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Ye Jin comforts Heo Jin’s family after his arrest

When Gong Bin finds out that Heo Jun has been arrested she insists on telling the King expecting that the King will forgive him. But when Gong Bin arrives to see the king, another consort In Bin is already with him. Awkward. Suddenly Gong Bin clasps her chest in pain, but still, insists on seeing the King anyway. The King agrees to forgive Heo Jun for his past crimes!

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After talking to Gong Bin the King decides to forgive Heo Jun

But Team Do Ji are not pleased! And neither are other people. Word spreads about the King’s decision and people start to complain that he is not following the law of the country: Heo Jun should be punished no matter what. So finally the King has no choice but to take back his words and Heo Jun is put on trial. Do Ji gleefully goes to check on Heo Jun’s health while he is in the prison cell. (As always Do Ji can be kind to Heo Jun when he knows that he himself is on top. He believes that Heo Jun is finished at the palace so he shows him compassion. 🙁 )

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Do Ji visits Heo Jun in prison to check on  his health

At the trial, the officials try to claim that Heo Jun forced Da Hee to marry him but she refuses to admit this and says she married him because she loved him. But still Heo Jun is found guilty of both crimes! (It seems that Da Hee’s statement made no difference) but since he has done a lot of good work as a doctor he will be exiled and not beheaded. He is grateful as he is not bothered about working his way up the ranks- he only wants to help the sick. 🙂


Heo Jun and Da Hee are questioned at the trial

But not so fast, now Gong Bin is seriously ill and is going to die. The head doctor, Dr Yang, has to give the King the devastating news that there is NOTHING that can be done for her now, but the King won’t have it. ‘Go and get Heo Jun’, he says. Hurray!

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 When Gong Bin gets ill the King calls for Heo Jun


Heo Jun is saved by someone getting sick again! It seems a bit harsh that he should be beheaded for his crimes though: smuggling and marrying a noble lady! Particularly since his wife even admitted that she was in love with him and he didn’t force her to marry him! Do Ji is still the same as ever – he’s only able to be nice to Heo Jun when he thinks that he has beaten him. So pathetic. 🙁 

Gong Bin still has a lot of influence over the King as she is the mother of his two princes but we can already see that his interests are moving to the next consort In Bin. And since Do Ji is with In Bin and Heo Jun is supported by Gong Bin, I can see a power struggle approaching…

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