Sunday, May 19, 2024
other stuff

Sculpture at Seoul Arts Centre

When I arrived at the Seoul Arts Centre for my calligraphy class this afternoon, I walked right into the International sculpture festa which is on this month. I love the atmosphere there.
Seoul-art_centreSo we haven’t had a calligraphy class for two weeks, because last week, May 1, was Labour Day. With TWO whole weeks to practise the new 8 Chinese characters, I imagined that my work would be TWICE as good as usual this time. 😉

So why does having a weekly class force me to practise?  I think there are two reasons. The first reason is the pace of the class. We are given 8 new characters to work on every week so if we don’t keep up we will fall behind.


And the other reason is that we have to put our work up on the wall every week to get feedback from the teacher. Even though the teacher is very gentle with his feedback (and very positive) it seems that the simple fact of knowing that I have to put my work up on the wall is enough incentive to make me practise at home! There’s even more incentive now as this week we were given 16 characters to master! And I thought 8 characters a week was a lot. 😮

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