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5 faux pas at public baths: (no. 2) FEET

In this second post in the series on faux pas at the baths we have to look at our feet. So, you’re standing at the entrance to the changing rooms. Yes, you have to take your shoes off. But what do you do with them? In Korea and Japan shoes (and slippers) are just a faux pas waiting to happen.

The first time I went to the public baths in Korea on my own, I was in a bit of a fluster. I hurriedly found a locker – a rather small one – and tried to stuff my winter coat into it, asking myself how on earth we were expected to get our clothes, bag and everything else in there. Then another customer came along and calmly put her shoes in the locker and walked off! 

So if you find smallish lockers at the entrance to the changing rooms, they are for your shoes. If they have keys in the lockers, lock up your shoes and take the key with you. 

But whatever you do,


It won’t fit and you’ll look like an idiot.

Some places might just have open shelves where everyone can leave their shoes. It is possible to make a mistake and walk off in someone else’s shoes. So just for peace of mind I recommend old and easily distinguishable footwear on a trip to the bath. I am confident that my well-worn Birkenstocks (size humongous in Korea and size average in Britain) will still be waiting for me when I come out. 

If there are no shoe lockers you will have to carry your shoes with you into the changing room to your big locker where there’ll be a special shelf inside for them.

Good job. You’ve passed the first footwear hurdle. 


But that’s not the end of it. 


Now you are in the changing rooms in your bare feet (or stocking feet) and you need to use the loo before you get in the bath. It’s time to enter the wonderful world of the toilet slipper. 


Toilet Slippers

When you open the door to the toilet there will be a pair of plastic toilet slippers in the entrance. Toilet slippers are real. Here are some available on Amazon Japan…

The key objective here is to avoid stepping on the bathroom floor in your bare feet. So step directly into the slippers in the bathroom – if you can, without falling over. (This task offers opportunities to showcase your balance and coordination skills).  

If there are several cubicles there will be a selection of plastic slippers in the entrance way – enough for a pair per cubicle. If there are no slippers available, it means that all the cubicles are full. So you should wait outside.

Don’t step into the bathroom area in your bare feet. 

Congratulations. Mission accomplished. You wowed fellow bathers with your nimble footwork into those toilet slippers. 


And now you’re back at your locker getting ready for your next challenge in the bathing area.

But wait. Not so fast. Look down at your feet. Are you still wearing the toilet slippers?

Nooooooo! And you were doing so well.

Classic faux pas alert

Don’t forget to take the toilet slippers off!

What happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom. Don’t wear the slippers outside that area. So hurry up and put the slippers back before anyone sees you. 


OK, good. Now you are ready for the baths! 

5 faux pas at public baths: no. 1 女 or 男?

5 faux pas at public baths: no. 3 knickers

5 faux pas at the public baths: no. 4 sweat

5 Faux Pas in public baths: no. 5 towels

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