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Deep Rooted Tree Press Conference

The production report press conference was just held for the SBS drama Deep Rooted Tree that starts on October 5th. I’m really looking forward to watching another sageuk drama. I found a short video on the SBS website of the press conference. It’s in Korean but has the script underneath – so useful listening practice for any Korean language learners. Click the above SBS link for the video and see below for my (rough) translation of what they are saying.  

어제였죠? 드라마 ‘뿌리깊은 나무’의 제작 발표회가 열렸는데요, 이 자리에서 세 명의 주인공이 새로운 역할을 맡아 고민이 많았다고  털어놨습니다.

It was yesterday, wasn’t it? The production report press conference was held for Deep Rooted Tree. The three leading actors revealed the problems and worries they had playing their new roles.

바로 어제, 드라마 ‘뿌리 깊은 나무’의 제작 발표회가 열렸습니다.

Just yesterday, the production report press conference was held for Deep Rooted Tree.
10월 5일 첫방송 되는 ‘뿌리깊은 나무’는 한글 창제를 둘러싼 비밀을 그린 사극인데요,한석규 씨는 기존과는 다른 새로운 이미지의 세종대왕 역을 맡았습니다.

The first episode of Deep Rooted Tree airs on October 5th. It’s a sageuk drama about the secrets behind the making of hangul. Han Suk-kyu will show a different and new image of King Sejong.

[한석규/’세종’역 : 이번 뿌리 깊은 나무에서 개인적인 바람이라면 우리가 보지 못한, 우리가 몰랐던 그런 사람 (세종의 모습을) 시청자들에게 보여주고 싶어요.]

Han Suk-kyu: It’s my personal wish to show the viewers a King Sejong that we don’t know and haven’t seen before.

신세경 씨는 실제 나이보다 10살 가량 많은 궁녀 역을 맡아 많은 고민이 있었다고 털어 놨죠?

Shin Se-kyung shi, You play the role of a court lady who is about ten years older than you are now. You must have had some worries about playing this role.

[신세경/’소이’역 : 저도 언뜻보면 성숙해 보이는데 계속 보다보면 제 나이가 보이기 때문에 그런(어려보이는) 점(모습)들을 최대한 배제하고 성숙하게 표현하려고 노력을 하고 있습니다.]

Shin Se-kyung (So Yi): If you just glance at me I can look mature but if you keep looking at me you can see my real age. So I had to try to overcome looking young and focus on keeping a more mature expression.

장혁 씨는 노비 신분을 세탁하고 관원이 된  강채윤 역을 맡았는데요,

Jang Hyuk shi, you play Kang Chae Yoon who manages to escape from the servant class and become a guard.

[장혁/’강채윤’역 : 이 캐릭터를 하면서 키 포인트로 잡은 부분은 뭔가 수사를 해 가면서 또 어떤 미스터리를 풀어가기 위한 한 사람의 느낌이 아니라, 할 수 밖에 없었던 (운명적인 이유입니다.)]

Jang Hyok (Kang Chae Yoon): the key point of playing this character is that I am not just solving a mystery but that it is my destiny to solve this mystery. (this is a bit dodgy. Not exactly sure what he means here..)

이렇게 멋진 캐릭터를 소화하고 있는 세 배우의 명품 연기! 기대해 봐도 좋겠죠?

It seems the three actors will do justice to their roles. So we can have great expectations for this drama, don’t you think?





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